How to Choose a Great Coach

My son’s youth baseball league now utilizes a new system for league registrations. It’s pretty cool as all registrations are done online through their online league toolbox. When I clicked the link they emailed me to register, it went right to my online account, and both of my boy’s names were already listed as players. I thought cool! I then noticed not only could players register, but there was a registration option to be a coach too. Now, that is official!

The best of the best

I always volunteer to coach my kids’ teams, so I clicked the link to register as a coach. The registration didn’t just require my name and contact info, it included some very detailed information. This will be the third year my oldest son has played in this league, and I already believe it is one of the best, if not the best youth baseball league in this area. But after going through the coach’s registration I feel even stronger about that. Some of the questions asked really made me dig deep into the reason why I want to coach in this league, while also assessing my coaching strengths and weaknesses. Then to top it off references were requested, and I was asked to share my past coaching history.

A great coach can change the game

What I noticed was this organization realized the importance of good coaching, and they want to identify coaches who fit that bill. Some leagues you only need to have kids to be a coach. This league doesn’t want just volunteers, but people passionate about coaching, and have some skills to do it well. Coaching is important, and good coaches can help a good athlete become a great athlete. Good coaches can bring out the best in your kids. That’s one of the reasons I love writing for CoachUp. They too realize how importance good coaches are to youth athletes, and have a created a system of identifying them and connecting them with the athletes who are looking to get better.

CoachUp – the place to find great coaches

If you have kids who want to become better at the sport they love, then hop over to CoachUp’s main site and search for coaches in your area.  You’ll find plenty of options to connect with a great coach for your kids. Below are some things to consider when you are searching for a good coach. A great coach will have all of the following.

Great coaches…know their “why”

The registration form for my sons’ league asked me why I wanted to coach. I’m not sure I’ve ever been asked that before volunteering to coach. But good coach’s know why they are doing what they do, and that is what drives them to keep going, to encourage their athlete’s, and get the best out of them.

Great coaches…model hard work versus just telling player’s to work hard

A good coach will require his players to work hard. But he/she will also equal that level of work ethic and most times surpass. You will be hard pressed to find a good coach who doesn’t give it all they have each time they work with their athletes.

Great coaches…are students before they are teachers

To be good at something you have to put in the work. You have to study it. That is why Peyton Manning is Peyton Manning. He breaks records on the field primarily because he breaks records off the field in the form of study. Great coaches are the same way. They study the game, they study coaching, and they study their athletes. All with the intent of helping their athletes go to another level.

Great coaches…love what they do

When you enjoy what you do, you can do it all the time and never get tired of it. Even when it gets tough, or frustrating, the love of the game or of seeing players get better keeps you going. Good coaches don’t show up grumbling and complaining. Typically they show up and become refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go because being between the lines and helping athletes is what they love. Please share you or your kids experience with a good coach. Jackie Bledsoe, Jr. is a sports parent of three, and writes on sports parenting. He has played sports for over 30 years, including the collegiate level, and coached youth sports for the past eight years.

 photo credit: afagen via photopin cc

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