How a CoachUp Session Works

How a CoachUp Session Works

At CoachUp, this is the summer of big things and even bigger plans, but while we love watching Stephen Curry smolder in the Western Conference Finals, we’ve been building great content and videos each day. Our newest video is one near and dear to our collective hearts and likely overdue at this point, but we’re so proud of it. Over the years, many athletes, parents, and coaches have come to us and asked: what does a CoachUp session look like? How does it work? What drills should you do? Should it be hard? Should it be exhausting? 

Now, for the first time, we’ve gone inside a typical session at CoachUp. Starring Brandon Ball, an employee of CoachUp, he trains athletes before and after work, but it wasn’t until a crew followed him to Stoughton, Massachusetts last month that we finally saw the magic unfold. If you’ve ever wondered how your athlete’s CoachUp session might go, wonder no longer. Share, comment, and subscribe away, friends.

We’ll continue to make you sweet content and plenty of helpful tips — see you out there! 

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