5 Keys to Proper Sports Nutrition

It should be the goal of every athlete to perform at an optimum level while maintaining supreme health. To do this requires having a well-planned daily nutritional strategy. Actively participate in your recovery and aid your own performance with these diet guidelines.


These provide the building blocks you need to develop and support muscle growth. Without protein, you simply cannot build muscle tissue. With every meal, you need to include at least one portion of protein.


Although social pressure may push you to think the contrary, athletes need fats in their diets. Fats help give you energy. However, eating too much fat, particularly the saturated kind, can lead to serious health problems. Deep fried foods should rarely be found in an athlete’s diet. Serious athletes consume only unsaturated fats.


This is another class of nutrients tainted by popular opinion. Your body needs carbohydrates, mainly to provide you with energy. But foods like cookies, juice, soda, chips, snack foods, fast foods and baked goods do not deliver good carbs. The closer to homemade with any food item, the better it is for you. Choose whole grain cereals, breads, brown rice, Greek yogurt and whole-wheat pastas.

Before Competition

Try not to eat foods high in fat or fiber, because they may cause stomachaches. Prior to competition, your body craves carbohydrates for energy. Fruits and whole grain bread with natural peanut butter are great snacks to consume 30 to 60 minutes before activity.

Following Competition

Restore energy with fruit, yogurt, whole grain cereal or whole grain crackers with cheese and at least 24 ounces of fluid.

About the Expert
Jude Massillon – With 15 years of professional training experience, Jude Massillon understands the physical requirements of competing at the highest level. He has used his experience to develop strategies that teach athletes how to enhance their performance and reach their full potential. It is his desire to help athletes improve upon their own natural abilities using his expertise in movement and the energy requirements of each sport.

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