Meet me at Glencoe Park for an intro to SAQ Session! This event is open to all genders ages 8 -12.
The session kicks off with 10 minutes of stretching and a dynamic warm-up to prepare the body for the dynamic movements ahead. An experienced trainer then guides participants through 15 minutes of targeted exercises that enhance their understanding of proper mechanics for SAQ. These exercises focus on developing speed, agility, and quickness skills specific to their sport.
The next 15 minutes are dedicated to high-intensity drills that push athletes to display improved performances in speed, agility, and quickness. Through challenging and engaging activities, we aim to elevate their athletic abilities and enhance their on-field or on-court performance.
But it doesn't stop there. We go the extra mile by dedicating the final 20 minutes of each session to teach participants the importance of Strength and Conditioning (S&C) exercises. This critical component focuses on injury prevention, joint stability, muscular strength, and endurance. By incorporating S&C exercises, we help optimize their overall health and athletic performance, setting them up for success in their chosen sport.